Give your Foreman a Rest with the Construction Production Management Software

Your foreman is arguably the most important role in your construction site. The foreman is the first layer of management and leadership up from the construction crew and is responsible for planning the work and working on the plan as well as reporting progress and any sort of issues that are affecting the construction site. Foremen will run around job sites all day long coordinating jobs with superintends, other foremen, engineers and project managers to ensure that the workers have tools, materials, manpower, equipment, permits needed and approved drawings that are required to stay ahead of the schedule under your budget. To put it simply, foremen have the greatest ability of impacting your project performance. In most cases, foremen will spend 15-20% of their week working on paper work. That is why you need to lift the burden off their shoulders by introducing the construction time card app from Rhumbix for instance to make their work more simpler and make them focus more on the construction itself rather than paperwork.

So if your foreman has the greatest ability to impact your project outcome, it is wise to remove the administrative burden of paper work each week and provide them with a digital solution like a construction time card that will ease the administrative burden placed on them. This helps your foreman to go paperless and spend more time with the working crew. More so, it provides a vital medium of interaction between your engineers, foreman and project managers as the platform is centered on a phone app which is easily accessible to many. This helps to empower perfect time keeping with your foreman and the crew to working adhere to the schedule and work on the budget you have given them.

Investing in technology like Rhumbix allows you to give your foreman a break from the frustrating aspect of their weekly paper work routine. Not only will the foreman be thankful, but the Rhumbix app empowers time keeping of the foreman and help them become better in their job. The downstream effects of the foreman going paperless in the field includes increased job morale, instant visibility into the performance of the projects, improved planning and performance and a more efficient payroll process. The benefits and reasons of going paperless are numerous. And therefore, it time you give your foreman a great break and invest in technology like Rhumbix app to make their lives easier. To discover more on Rhumbix, visit their site and request a demo to get started. Here's how construction software can benefit your business: